When you owe hundreds or thousands of dollars to creditors, it can be easy to assume that you have no legal rights to protection or respite. After all, you are the one who is behind on your bills. The creditors have every right to contact us to get you to pay your bills.
However, creditors are bound by laws that are designed to protect you from undue harassment and hardships. You can learn more about your rights and deal with debt legally and effectively by hiring an experienced litigation lawyer from Ottawa, KS, to assist you.
Consolidating Your Debts
One of the most effective ways to resolve your debts is to combine them into a single sum that you pay off progressively each month. Your litigation lawyer in Ottawa, KS, can unite all of your bills into one sum. He or she can then take your monthly payments and distribute them to your creditors every month.
During the repayment process, your creditors must stop contacting you. They cannot by law garnish your wages, seize your assets or take other collection against against you.
Writing Off Debts
Your lawyer can also determine if any debts can be written off or dismissed. Old debts or debts that do not legally belong to you can be taken off your credit report. Your lawyer can review your credit file thoroughly to find accounts to write off.
You can learn more by contacting Hooge John R Attorney At Law PA.