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Understanding What Conditions Fall Under VA Disability, Find Lawyers to Help

by | May 31, 2018 | Lawyers

Many veterans are injured while serving the country. It can be a challenge for these men and women to find the medical, psychological, and emotional care they may need. There is compensation available through the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. To start receiving these benefits, one must submit their claim for VA disability. Lawyers are available to assist in the claims and appeal process. Part of the application involves listing symptoms. It’s important to understand what counts and what is considered.

Including Relevant Information

Sometimes veterans do not list all their symptoms when filing their VAC files. This can have a bearing on the approval process and lead to less compensation or not get approved at all. It’s vital that all symptoms are listed together with all injuries and limitations. Attorneys who specialize in this area of law are available to make the claims process easier and increase the chances of success.

Applying for compensation as soon as possible means that you can get the benefits sooner. Perhaps you’re not sure if you qualify or not. Any physical or mental disabilities that came about as a result of your military service can qualify you for compensation. Some of the common conditions that fall under this are traumatic brain injury (TBI), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Agent, Orange, hypertension, loss of limbs, eye injuries, psychiatric disabilities, and personality disorders to name a few.

It’s important that you get the right medical and psychiatric treatment you need so you can recover. When you claim your benefits, you can get monthly compensation to help you look after yourself and your dependents. The department accesses each claim individually and makes sure that the conditions listed are related to your military service.

Get professional help with submitting your VA disability claim. Contact Jackson & MacNichol to talk to their lawyers. You can visit them online at https://www.veteransbenefits.com/.

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