A Simplified Handbook on Connecticut Divorce Laws

by | Dec 9, 2013 | Law

If there is one experience every family person tries to avoid in life, it is a divorce. This is one of the most humiliating and emotionally draining experiences you can ever go through. However, life sometimes does not always hand you what you desire which is why divorces are increasingly common today.

If you are undergoing this difficult phase, Connecticut divorce laws can help alleviate some of the trauma by making the process seamless. In fact, the first step you need to take once you realize there are irreconcilable differences in your marriage is hiring a divorce lawyer to help you understand every aspect of divorce laws under the Connecticut General Statutes.

Once you hire an experienced attorney, the first priority will be an examination of your residency to ensure the Connecticut courts have jurisdiction. For example, you will be expected to have resided in the state for at least 12 months before you file your petition. However, there are many by-parts of these requirements which your lawyer will be able to expound on to ensure you get a settlement soonest possible.

The next aspect of Connecticut divorce laws that you will need to understand is whether you have grounds for a divorce. There are many issues warranting a divorce in Ct including fraud, wilful desertion for the last one year, 7-years absence, habitual intemperance, intolerable cruelty, and irretrievable breakdown of a marriage among others. You can only know if you have any grounds when you use an attorney to evaluate your case.

It is important to understand that divorce laws provide for fault and no-fault divorces. In a no-fault divorce, one spouse just needs to state that the marriage is totally broken down thus diminishing all chances of reconciliation. Under fault grounds for divorce your attorney will get to work on issues like adultery, desertion, fraud among others to ensure the divorce petition succeeds.

Talking of an attorney, you need to hire wisely because this field of law is inundated with unqualified people. As such, ask for referrals from other divorced couples, read reviews about the experience your attorney will bring to the table, evaluate their fee structuring, check whether they are amiable and easy to work with and check their confidentiality levels. All these are aspects that will determine the success or failure of your case hence the need for careful consideration.

Other than these straightforward considerations, there are other intricate issues including temporary injunctions in case you need faster Connecticut dissolution. This will encompass temporary child support, visitation rights, alimony, possession of property and payment of debts among others.

Under the Connecticut divorce laws you can also opt for non-adversarial divorce. This is where you will not have to face each other in court and can either be mediation divorce by a third party or collaborative divorce where no court interference is entertained.

There is a lot that goes into a divorce case and hence, you need to have a lot of information regarding what Connecticut divorce laws entail. For comprehensive information on how to win your divorce case.


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